Screening Methods and Further Sources of Resistance to Peanut Rust¹

Authors: P. Subrahmanyam , R. W. Gibbons , S. N. Nigam , V. R. Rao

  • Screening Methods and Further Sources of Resistance to Peanut Rust¹


    Screening Methods and Further Sources of Resistance to Peanut Rust¹

    Authors: , , ,


A germplasm collection of 6000 peanut entries was screened for resistance to rust at ICRISAT, India. Preliminary field screening was done during the 1977 rainy season when a natural epidemic of rust was in progress. The cultivars or lines which were rated between 2 and 5 on a 9-point scale during this screening were further tested during the 1977/78 dry season employing an infector row system of susceptible cultivars and spreader plants systematically interplanted with the test material. High relative humidity was maintained in the field by operating an overhead sprinkler irrigation system. Percentage leaf area damaged on the test material was estimated at 10 day intervals from approximately 90 days after their emergence until harvest. Each entry was also assessed on a scale proposed by Mazzani and Hinojosa. Two land races, NC.Ac. 17090 and EC. 76446 (292) were more resistant than either PI. 259747 or PI. 298115 which were reported resistant by other workers. In addition, NCAc. 17030, NCAc. 17132, NC.Ac. 17129, NC. Ac. 17135 and NC.Ac. 17124 were moderately resistant. Four cultivars or lines with different levels of resistance in the field were tested in the greenhouse at three different stages in development. The results indicated that resistance increased as the plants aged.

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Keywords: Arachis hypogaea L, Puccinia arachidis Speg, Disease resistance, peanut rust, peanut germplasm

How to Cite:

Subrahmanyam, P. & Gibbons, R. & Nigam, S. & Rao, V., (1980) “Screening Methods and Further Sources of Resistance to Peanut Rust¹”, Peanut Science 7(1), p.10-12. doi:



Published on
01 Jan 1980
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1Approved as ICRISAT Journal Article No. 81 and released for publication.