New Harvesting and Curing Techniques in the Production of Breeder's Seed Peanuts¹

Authors: T. A. Coffelt , F. S. Wright , J. L. Steele

  • New Harvesting and Curing Techniques in the Production of Breeder's Seed Peanuts¹


    New Harvesting and Curing Techniques in the Production of Breeder's Seed Peanuts¹

    Authors: , ,


A new method of harvesting and curing breeder's seed peanuts in Virginia was initiated that would 1) reduce the labor requirements, 2) maintain a high level of germination, 3) maintain varietal purity at 100%, and 4) reduce the risk of frost damage. Three possible harvesting and curing methods were studied. The traditional stack-pole method satisfied the latter 3 objectives, but not the first. The windrow-combine method satisfied the first 2 objectives, but not the last 2. The direct harvesting method satisfied all four objectives. The experimental equipment and curing procedures for direct harvesting had been developed but not tested on a large scale for seed harvesting. This method has been used in Virginia to produce breeder's seed of 3 peanut varieties (Florigiant, VA 72R and VA 61R) during five years. Compared to the stackpole method, labor requirements have been reduced, satisfactory levels of germination and varietal purity have been obtained, and the risk of frost damage has been minimized.

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Keywords: peanuts, Groundnuts, Arachis hypogaea L, breeding, Seed Production, Peanut Harvesting, Peanut Curing

How to Cite:

Coffelt, T. & Wright, F. & Steele, J., (1979) “New Harvesting and Curing Techniques in the Production of Breeder's Seed Peanuts¹”, Peanut Science 6(2), p.70-72. doi:



Published on
01 Jul 1979
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1Contribution from Agricultural Research, Science and Education Administration, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Research supported in part by the Virginia peanut growers through a grant from the Virginia Crop Improvement Association to the Agronomy Department at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University at Blacksburg.